Switching Static Site Generators
In June 2017, I decided to switch from Jekyll, a site generator built with Ruby to another site generator. Preferably, I wanted to choose a tool where I could learn while getting the site generator setting up. I planned the project to take a week. The project inevitably took two months of fun work time. This post describes site generator learnings that I had working on site generators during the Summer of 2017.
Site Generator: A site generator is a tool that takes text, CSS styles, and UI JavaScript (maybe) to make a web page without the need of a server or a hosted environment to input text.
New is not easier than the old standard—sorta
After many advancements in JavaScript and front-end tooling, I thought generating a blog from a site generator would be easier than ever. When I've looked for a new site generator, I saw new site generators being marketed all of the time.
With modern tooling, building a site generator that works for one developer is easier than ever. However, new complexity falls on site generator users. They now must sift throw hundreds of site generators to choose one that works for them. The magic sauce is still being stirred there it seems.
So, Why Switch then?
I decided to switch site generators because Jekyll, after adding everything that I wanted, was getting more complex than I wanted for me to write new posts. Jekyll did not fail me at all! I was just making it work in ways that it wasn't necessarily meant for—i.e., features, like service workers, were making my Jekyll more custom than what I wanted to do with Jekyll.
Site Generator Options I thought over
I considered three site generator tools before finally using Gatsby which I'm now using to generate this blog.
- Hugo: Hugo is a site generator that is compiled with
Go Lang
. It compiles very fast and has a lot of built-in featuring. I've heard from other engineers that I've worked with that it is super fast to learn and build with. My friend Benny Wong's site is done with Hugo. - Phenomic: Phenomic is a site generator that is compiled with JavaScript. It says it focuses on the speed of the generated sites for customers. It was initially scoped to work for React. Then, the API changed, and it is being built to support Vue and Angular.
- Gatsby: Gatsby was the first larger site generator built for templating with React. It has a mature API, and it provides several usable features to improve the developer and customer experience.
Choosing a JavaScript site generator
Eventually, I choose to go with the Gatsby site generator so I could focus on some new technology featuring. My first decision was to go with Phenomic because of it very little time to get my site 90% transferred over. I ended up going with Gatsby in the end though.
Over-simplified APIs and magic
Getting started with Phenomic in late 2016—early 2017, I found that the API made getting setup easy. It was using BEM along with CSS Modules which—I was familiar with BEM. The React Components, which I had not used react were well thought out. All of this allowed me to get hacking. I started a few projects with Phenomic and was about to move this site over.
In June, the Phenomic team, decided to abstract out more of the API out which made the setup time even faster unless _or until _I wanted to understand or modify what was going on under the hood. This is probably beneficial for a lot of customer/users that just wanted a simple site. However, to me, the product suddenly seemed like magic which concerns me because I like to understand how products I use work. Also, although the new API got me 95% transferred to Phenomic very fast, and the last 5% seemed hidden. This made it hard for me to contribute to Phenomic and it made the product not fun to use.
Phenomic simplified API
"phenomic": {
"presets": [
Going with Gatsby
In late June, I decided to check out Gatsby. More engineers are using it than Phenomic. There is a lot of documentation, and they have a ton of starter site generators.
I followed the documentation to get started. It was very straight forward for the most part. Where there is an issue, there is a Github issue where people are actively talking about it 100% of the time.
Challenges getting started
After getting my blog setup using the Gatsby Starter Blog I realized that I had to really work on the core code—everything was happening in React's render
method. I also had to figure out how to get <head>
content working as I had it before.
Initial Gatsby Starter BlogIndex Class
in index.js /page
class BlogIndex extends React.Component {
render() {
const siteTitle = get(this, 'props.data.site.siteMetadata.title')
const posts = get(this, 'props.data.allMarkdownRemark.edges')
return (
<Helmet title={get(this, 'props.data.site.siteMetadata.title')} />
<Bio />
{posts.map(post => {
Updated Gatsby Starter BlogIndex Class
in index.jsx /page
class BlogIndex extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.title = 'Jeffry.in'
this.posts = get(this, 'props.data.allMarkdownRemark.edges')
generatePostHeader(title, path, date) {
return (
<header className="post__header">
<h2 className="post__title"><Link to={path}>{title}</Link></h2>
// `generatePostHeader()` is then generated within the `render()` method
Pluses getting started
I greatly enjoyed that Gatsby's starter blog uses GraphQL.
Updated Gatsby Starter graphql
query in index.jsx /page
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query IndexQuery {
site {
siteMetadata {
allMarkdownRemark(sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }) {
edges {
node {
frontmatter {
The Gatsby interface also makes adding plugins very easy as well. Once, I understood how React Helmet could be leveraged, I was able to quickly get my blog up and running.
Helmet in Head
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
// more head stuff
The Head
component is updated in the blog template
<Helmet title={`${post.frontmatter.title} | Jeffry.in`}>
Initial Observations after changing to Gatsby
With all of the features that I was hoping to provide customers when switching site generators, I think Gatsby fulfils those features. Gatsby also compiles pretty fast compared to Jekyll after some of the new features I added to provide a better experience for my customers. There are still features to add and bugs to fix, but I'm now able to build new posts faster than what I could with Jekyll before switching.