TypeScript Init—Getting A Test Driven TypeScript Repository Setup
The Engineering Team at Dollar Shave Club is excited about TypeScript. I'm excited too. When I started writing this post, I was not familiar with TypeScript beyond conversations and TypeScript's getting started tutorials. In this post, I documented getting a TypeScript repository setup to compile, lint, and test TypeScript. While writing this post, I built a Linked List in TypeScript.
Tool Decisions
For this TypeScript exercise, I tried to use the same tools I'd use to build a plain old open source JavaScript repository—except in TypeScript.
In the table below I broke down the tools I tried to build my first Test Drive Development TypeScript repository.
| Category | Initial | Final | Reason | | ------------ | ---------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Build | Rollup | TypeScript (TSC) | Rollup worked with minimal effort. I am user TSC because it means 1 less layer of abstraction. | | Type Checker | TypeScript | TypeScript | TypeScript works well. The feedback in VS Code is immediate and offers clear messaging. | | Testing | TS-Jest | TS-Jest | I was concerned about using TS-Jest because the documentation between it and Jest seemed confusing but it worked. I'm familiar with Jest so the switch was easy | | Linting | TS-Lint | TS-Lint | TS-Lint works well in VS Code. As far as the CLI, I'm still not clear if TS-Lint is working. |
Why I used TypeScript's Compiler?
I initially setup TypeScript with Rollup. Rollup was compiling fine. It seemed like another layer of abstraction. To simplify the amount of configuration, I decided to use TypeScript's compiler.
TS compiler options
Listed below are some options for compiling TypeScript:
- TSC—TypeScript's Compiler
- Webpack using TS-loader—Webpack's abstraction of TS compilation
- Rollup—Rollup compiles TS automatically
Jest Testing and Linting—in TypeScript
The Dollar Shave Club team uses Jest for unit testing. Dollar Shave Club's standard is for TypeScript projects is to test with TS-Jest. Using TS-Jest initially seemed scary but worked without problems. First I added the standard expect(1).toBe(1)
test to ensure that my paths to unit tests were correct. Then I followed up with another quick test to ensure that my .ts
files were imported correctly. From there, I added tests as I would writing Jest.
For linting, I used TS-Lint which extends ESLint. This took little time. I imported TS-Lint, added some configuration and a npm script—that was it. From there I was getting TypeScript Linting Feedback.
I added JSDocs so that I could make sure to document what the heck I was doing.
Setting up tests with TS Jest
Listed below are steps to get ts-jest up and running:
Tests are working and I'm still alive
import { Node } from '../Node'
Files are importing correctly
import { Node } from '../Node'
test('Jest is working, Node is imported', () => {
expect(typeof Node).toBe('function')
Define the testing interface
declare function test (msg: string, test: Function)
declare function expect (result: any)
import { Node } from '../Node'
test('Jest is working, Node is imported', () => {
expect(typeof Node).toBe('function')
Listed below are general comment examples for JSDocs
* @param {value} value
* adds a new node to the beginning of the linkedList
addFirstNode (value: T) {
this.headNode = this.headNode
? new Node(this.headNode.getNodeValue())
: new Node(value)
this.nodeCount = this.nodeCount + 1
Problems I had getting started with TypeScript
I knew there were benefits to be had because some of my team had taken on TypeScript full on. That stated, I did have some frustrations getting setup. I don't know if I would have pushed through the few hours of frustration for myself had I not had teammate support. I'd like to think I would have.
Here are some problems I had getting started
Listed below are problems I had getting started with TypeScript:
- I had problems reading the TypeScript messages in VSCode
- I had errors issues with imports in my tests (I spent a lot of time being frustrated here)
- Sometimes I have to refresh VSCode after I've made minor changes to see if errors are actual errors
Here are some problems with solutions
My tests globals are undefined and TypeScript barks at that.
declare function test (msg: string, test: Function)
declare function expect (result: any)
// or create a setupJest.js file
I can't read VSCode errors.
Try running TSlint => the messaging is similar. The usage of node's chalk in the commandline can help highlight issues.
How do I "tsconfig.json"?
Try something like this:
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "dist/components",
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es5",
"lib": ["es6", "es2016.array.include", "es2017", "dom"],
"declaration": true,
"allowJs": false,
"sourceMap": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"baseUrl": ".",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"types": ["jest", "node"]
"exclude": ["**/__tests__/", "**/*.js"],
"include": ["**/*.ts"]
How do I "tsconfig.jest.json"?
Try something like this:
// from package.json
"devDependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^22.2.3",
"jest": "^22.4.3",
"jest": {
"transform": {
"^.+\\.ts?$": "ts-jest"
"testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.(ts?)$",
"moduleFileExtensions": [
How do I ts lint?
"extends": ["tslint-config-dollarshaveclub"],
"rules": {
"no-unnecessary-type-assertion": false,
"trailing-comma": false,
"semicolon": [true, "never"]
How do I compile my ts?
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run build:ts",
"build:ts": "tsc",
I do React. What does TS with React look like?
import React, { StatelessComponent } from 'react'
import classNames from 'classnames'
interface Crumb {
active?: boolean
empty?: boolean
label: string
link?: string
interface BreadcrumbsProps extends Readonly<{
crumbs: Crumb[],
className?: string
style?: object
}> { }
const Breadcrumb: StatelessComponent<Crumb> = ({
active = false,
empty = false,
link = false,
}) => {
const crumbClasses = classNames(
{ 'ui-breadcrumbs-small__crumb--active': active },
return empty
? (<li className={crumbClasses}> </li>)
: (
<li className={crumbClasses}>
{link ? <a href={link} className='ui-link ui-link--inherit-color'>{label}</a> : <span>{label}</span>}
const BreadcrumbsSmall: StatelessComponent<BreadcrumbsProps> = ({
}) => {
const inputLabelClass = classNames(
{ [className as string]: !!className },
return (
<ul className={inputLabelClass} style={style}>
{crumbs.map(({ active, empty, label, link }, index) => <Breadcrumb active={active} empty={empty} label={label} link={link} key={index} />)}
export default BreadcrumbsSmall
I want to export/import Plain Old JavaScript. Can I do that?
export default function stickybits(
target: string | Element | Element[],
options?: StickyBits.Options,
): StickyBits
export interface StickyBits {
cleanup: () => void
export namespace StickyBits {
export interface Options {
customStickyChangeNumber?: number | null
noStyles?: boolean
stickyBitStickyOffset?: number
parentClass?: string
scrollEl?: Element
stickyClass?: string
stuckClass?: string
stickyChangeClass?: string
useStickyClasses?: boolean
verticalPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom'
I want to work on a project that imports and exports TS or JS
Try something like this:
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": ".",
"target": "exnext",
"lib": ["es6", "es2016.array.include", "es2017", "dom"],
"sourceMap": true,
"allowJs": true,
"rootDir": "."
"scripts": {
"build": "<your js build> && tsc",
The solutions above are/were provided by me. I'm am newer to TypeScript. Use with caution but without fear or blame.
Conclusion: Why I will be using Types as much as possible
I'm not a rocket scientist—far from it. When writing code, I want feedback as quickly as possible as much as possible. After learning how continuous integration, linting and test driven development could help me improve, wanting more support from tools like TypeScript is a no brainer. TypeScript, I've found has not only helped me define Types but it also helps me break down code—making it simpler.